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Ken Vogel
eLearning Product Manager,
Senior Consultant Awareness


Train entire teams and departments in security topics with eLearning

eLearning ensures fast, targeted and efficient knowledge transfer and is characterised by maximum flexibility in terms of location, time, learning speed and language. eLearning is therefore particularly suitable for training entire teams and departments and is an ideal component of a comprehensive awareness campaign. Security in your organisation is demonstrably increased with eLearning.


Course excerpt (german)

With just one click, you get a first insight into the module “Information Security Basics” – without obligation and without registration.


You can access course excerpts on data protection, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and BCM via the course details below.



The following is a selection of references from the field of eLearning and explanatory films:

Ken Vogel
eLearning Product Manager,
Senior Consultant Awareness

eLearning Kurzmodule - Informationssicherheitswissen à la carte
Cybersecurity Swiss Infosec AG

eLearning modules: Information security à la carte or as a knowledge journey

Our 15 modules (completion time per module between 5 and 15 minutes) get to the heart of cybersecurity and sensitise your staff in a diversified way for more security in everyday digital life. A large number of SMEs, large companies and public administrations with a total of over 11,300 employees have already successfully completed our modules on cybersecurity.

eLearning module: Data protection explained for all employees in 15 minutes.

Our effective eLearning module on data protection uses audios and videos to teach you in just 15 minutes what you need to remember about data protection and what dangers are lurking. A large number of SMEs and large companies with a total of over 10,000 employees have already successfully completed our module on data protection.

Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) - Artificial Intelligence (AI)

eLearning modules AI

Whether ChatGPT, DeepL or other practical tools: your employees are increasingly coming into contact with artificial intelligence. In addition, there is also an increase in AI-based applications within the company. Our eLearning modules sensitise your employees to the topic of AI in an efficient and entertaining way. The modules convey basic knowledge about AI, focus on security or deal with the phenomenon of deepfakes.

eLearning-Kurse massgeschneidert

Customised eLearning courses and videos 

With explanatory films, we can transform complex content into clear messages. Regulations, directives, processes or instructions for operating software and machines are communicated to your employees in an understandable way without boring them – positive feedback from your employees is our goal! We offer customised explanatory films, perfectly tailored to your company.

Beratung Informationssicherheit, sichere Verfügbarkeit von Daten

eLearning course Information and IT Security

This eLearning course provides knowledge on current topics in a compact and efficient manner.

It increases awareness, e.g. also for cyber attacks, with ransomware, and provides a multifaceted learning experience with a mix of multimedia information, illustrations and exercises.

Immediately available modules with the following learning content:

  • Principles
  • E-mail and internet
  • Passwords and behaviour on the move
Beratung Datenschutzkonformität nach DSGVO/GDPR

eLearning courses on data protection

The fundamentals and issues surrounding data protection are at the centre of these two eLearning courses:


  • Data protection basics and terminology
  • Data protection in everyday life
  • Legally compliant implementation
  • Scope of the GDPR (only for “Data protection incl. GDPR”)
eLearning-Kurs BCM

eLearning course BCM

The purpose of BCM (Business Continuity Management) is at the centre of this eLearning course.

Course content:

  • Introduction
  • What is BCM?
  • BCM processes
  • My contribution
  • Exercise questions

eLearning international 

Because security does not stop at national borders and correct behaviour in connection with security is universal, our eLearning modules can also be used in other European countries and are available in several languages. 

Infosec-Academy, eLearning-Plattform

Infosec-Academy: your specific eLearning platform

Infosec-Academy is a learning platform (LMS – Learning Management System) of the Swiss software manufacturer “easylearn ag”, on which we set up a separate area for you, adapted to your needs and with your corporate identity.


  • Hosting and operation of the platform by us
  • Simple user administration
  • Company-wide use of the multilingual eLearning platform
  • Access to easylearn’s standard course offering
  • Individual customisation of standard courses by us
  • Numerous evaluation options of the completed courses

Non-binding enquiry

© Swiss Infosec AG 2025