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HomeConsultancyAwarenessSocial engineering on site
Ardiana Krasniqi

Social engineering on site

Social engineering on site: Face-to-face influence

Our security awareness specialists slip into the role of social engineer and pretend to be a new work colleague, IT assistant, applicant, customer or supplier, sometimes even part of the cleaning crew. They engage your employees in conversation with the aim of gaining their trust. Their helpfulness, insecurity, curiosity or good faith is then exploited in cold blood, for example to obtain sensitive information or access to sensitive premises.

How trusting are your employees? How easy is it to tempt them into misbehaviour? Our social engineering provides the answers.

Social Engeneering, Schwachstelle Mensch

Your benefit

You will learn,

  • how your employees interact with unknown people.
  • how well your requirements regarding confidentiality (e.g. locked screens, locked cabinets, definition of confidential/sensitive data) and physical security (e.g. unknown persons in the company) are implemented.
  • where there is a need for action in terms of security awareness (written report).

Speaking of phishing

In addition to specific on-site social engineering, we also offer the following social engineering/phishing services and other related services:

Ardiana Krasniqi

Non-binding enquiry

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