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HomeConsultancyAwarenessAwareness Manager as a Service
Ardiana Krasniqi

Awareness Manager as a Service

Consistent and well thought-out employee sensitisation made easy

Security awareness – sensitising your employees to the topic of security – is a task that cannot be overestimated. After all, in the vast majority of cases, cyber criminals target people as a weak point for their attacks.

For security awareness to be successful, appropriate measures must be tailored to the organisation and carefully planned and implemented. An organisation does not always have sufficient time and/or personnel resources available for this. This is where our «Awareness Manager as a Service» comes in.

Effective security awareness with an external awareness manager

As an external awareness manager, our awareness professional takes on the customised planning and implementation of security awareness measures in your company and is the point of contact for the management and the departments responsible for information security. He informs these bodies about the results of the security awareness measures implemented and proposes new measures based on them.

The advantages of an external awareness manager

Security Awareness

  • From a single source
  • Saving your time and personnel resources
  • Well thought out and planned
  • Customised to your company and your information security requirements
  • Implemented consistently and regularly
  • Continuously developed
Ardiana Krasniqi

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