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Ardiana Krasniqi

Raising employees' security awareness

Ardiana Krasniqi

Awareness of security-related issues is the focus of integral security and information security. Organisations must take targeted measures to guide and motivate their employees to act “securely”. Different approaches lead to effective awareness.

Awareness Manager as a Service

Leave the topic of awareness to one of our awareness specialists.

Security Awareness Subscription

Raise long-term awareness of security issues with a security awareness subscription tailored to your needs.


The efficient and flexible way to make employees fit for security.

Awareness platforms

Support with the selection and/or introduction of an awareness platform.

Awareness campaigns

Coordinated awareness measures sensitise even better.

Phishing simulation via e-mail & SMS

Simulated attacks test the phishing resilience of your employees.

Phishing simulation via deepfakes

Can your employees withstand a deepfake attack?

Phishing simulation by telephone

Simulated phishing calls test the correct behaviour.

Social engineering on site

How trusting are your employees?

Hacker attack simulation via USB stick

When the attack comes as a promotional gift.

Live hacking

Sensitise your employees to the dangers of phishing attacks.

Keynote Deepfakes

The somewhat different keynote that sets an exclamation mark.

Interactive awareness presentations 

Information security topics presented in an exciting way.

Security Edutainments

Entertaining introduction to the topic of information security.

Articles and publications

Keep awareness alive and regularly updated.

Awareness giveaways and competitions

Small gifts maintain awareness and competitions keep people motivated.

Workshops / face-to-face training courses aimed at managers

Promoting a security-orientated corporate culture.

Onboarding event for new employees

Sensitised to information security right from the start.

Awareness assessment

Determining the status of your awareness.

Non-binding enquiry

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