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Reto Steinmann

Head of Consulting

Mr Reto Steinmann is a graduate computer scientist (Informatiker HF) with a major in business IT and has been working in various IT fields for over 15 years. Thanks to his previous jobs as a system engineer and network and security engineer he has broad experience in the fields of information and IT security as well as valuable project management skills. As a former automotive industry IT security officer he is highly familiar with the development of security concepts, policies and the management of internal corporate security. In addition to this, he has extended his specialist knowledge in the field of information security by gaining a qualification as an MAS Information Security from Lucerne University, successfully implementing this knowledge practically within the scope of client assignments.

Reto Steinmann works for numerous clients in diverse industries. When doing so, he competently applies his extensive experience in the development and operation of ISO 27001-certified information security management systems (ISMS) in particular as well as the drafting of policies and area concepts or the carrying out of security audits in general. Mr Steinmann is also regularly employed by clients as an external security officer.

Security must be realisable in practice and be able to be lived!

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