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Ken Vogel

eLearning Product Manager & Senior Consultant Awareness

Together with Julian Furrer, Ken Vogel is responsible for the development, enhancement and marketing of Swiss Infosec AG’s innovative eLearning solutions. Ken Vogel also leads internal working groups on the topic of AI and thus contributes to the company-wide use of AI technologies at Swiss Infosec.

Ken Vogel was a member of the Executive Board and Information Security Officer (ISB) at Swiss Infosec AG for over five years. He headed the Management Services department, which included the Project Management Office, Human Resources, Training, Marketing, IT, Finance and Facility Management.

Ken Vogel acquired his extensive knowledge of project management and leadership through his work as a team leader at both Swiss Infosec and another Swiss SME. He deepened this expertise as part of a part-time degree programme in business administration. He gained his experience in the security industry as a project manager and consultant in the field of physical security for national and international companies from various sectors. As a consultant at Swiss Infosec AG, Ken Vogel expanded his knowledge of information security as well as business continuity and crisis management.

If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.

(Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Roman philosopher, 4 BC – AD 65)

Accordingly, integral security today requires cross-organisational and targeted planning as well as the use of the right measures to reach the safe shore.

© Swiss Infosec AG 2025