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Kai Yu

Digital Content Manager

Kai Yu completed the four-year apprenticeship as an EFZ media technician at Swiss Infosec AG and completed it successfully in July 2023. Prior to this, he attended the multimedia secondary school of the Lucerne project class for three years, where he acquired prior knowledge in the field of multimedia and also developed an eye for film, photography and graphic design.

Since August 2023, Kai Yu has been working full-time as a digital content manager in the Corporate Strategy and Development division. In this role, he implements digitalisation projects, plans social media concepts and video content and puts them into practice. The creation of eLearning content is also one of his tasks.

Kai Yu is actively involved with artificial intelligence (focus on deep learning) in the security awareness context and is very interested in new technologies.

To master a new technology, you have to play with it.

Jordan B. Peterson

© Swiss Infosec AG 2024