Security@its best!

Your consultancy and training partner since 1989

Swiss Infosec AG is the leading independent consulting and training company in Switzerland in the areas of Information Security, Data Protection and IT Security. With our experience in Integral Security and our 360° security view, we have been supporting small and large organizations in identifying and achieving appropriate security goals for more than 35 years.

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Our specialist areas:
the essentials of Integral Security

Integral security is complex. The division into the following three main areas simplifies the approach and bundles our specialised knowledge. At the same time, however, it opens up the view of connections, interdependencies and interfaces and leaves room for combinations.

Beratung Informationssicherheit, sichere Verfügbarkeit von Daten

Information Security

Ensures the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data and information, regardless of how it is presented and stored.

Data protection

Is omnipresent, accompanies us in everyday life and demands practice-oriented solutions and implementation proposals.

Beratung IT-Sicherheit, elektronische Informationen schützen

IT Security

Serves overall security and to protect electronic information in the cloud, in apps, on systems or during transmission over networks.

Competence from experience

Our experience makes the difference and guarantees convincing services with a consistent best practice approach for more corporate security. We support you as a consultant, trainer, coach, project manager or with body leasing as an external function holder on a mandate basis.


Your added value:
Integral Security from one single source

Swiss Infosec AG has more than 50 specialists who work closely together and combine their expertise to create tailor-made solutions. Our combination of law, technology and organisation is unique and, in addition to our experience and independence, another unique selling point.

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© Swiss Infosec AG 2025